20+ Years Experience

Specialist Lantern Roofs

Atlas Roof Lanterns

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Roof lanterns can be a stylish addition to almost any home, serving as an ideal choice of roof decoration for people who want more sky views and the same amount of thermal insulation.

When installed in the right place, an atlas roof lantern can make a dramatic difference in how a small space looks and feels.

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As professionals in the industry, we understand how to deliver the right roof lantern options for every one of our clients.

Our atlas roof lanterns are designed to the highest possible standard of quality, and we treat each project as a bespoke task.

Atlas Roof Lantern Prices

On average, the cost of an atlas lantern can vary between £900 to over £2,500.

The cost will depend on the scale of the project.

However, there are also a lot of other factors that can influence the overall cost of the work involved, some of which are directly tied to the kind of Atlas roof lanterns that you want.

If you are interested in getting an Atlas roof lantern installation for your home, then it’s important to consider various elements that can increase or decrease the cost, such as:

There can be a lot of elements that change the expected costs of Atlas lantern installation projects, so getting an accurate breakdown really helps.

Our team are able to provide in-depth price quotes based on our large pool of past projects, so get in touch today for some details on how much it might cost.

Benefits of Atlas Roof Lanterns

There are many benefits to deciding to install Atlas lanterns in your home, both in terms of aesthetics and practical value.

When placed correctly, Atlas roof lanterns can offer some major advantages over regular window options, such as:

In general, an Atlas lantern can make a room feel more open and bright by providing easier access to natural sunlight.

This can create a beautifully ambient environment that’s also warmer, easy to insulate, and perfect for any room that doesn’t already have a good level of overhead light.

While installing Atlas roof lanterns can seem like a big change, they also don’t usually alter much about the structural stability or general construction of the space.

This also means less maintenance than more extreme roof changes, as well as less roof reworking required overall.

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Atlas Lantern Roof Glass Options

There are many different ways to construct a roof lantern, but Atlas roof lanterns are some of the slimmest on the market.

This makes them a prime choice for adding some style and other benefits to a space without having to install anything heavy or bulky.

Overall, the main difference with any Atlas roof lanterns will be the Atlas roof glass itself. The glass you use can completely change how the roof lantern functions and feels.

Self Cleaning Glass

Self-cleaning technology allows certain types of roof lantern glass to clean itself, meaning less maintenance overall.

While not all self-cleaning technology is infallible, this can prevent your glass from getting cloudy or dirty over time.

This also enables an Atlas roof lantern to last a lot longer without needing to be repaired or washed, which can make it much easier to maintain the roof lantern itself over long periods.

Solar Control Glass

Solar control glass helps to limit the amount of heat entering the building, letting you combine heat reflection and thermal insulation through methods like double glazing or triple glazing.

This enables a more comfortable experience and prevents the roof lantern from heating up the space beneath it too much.

The right kind of intelligent glass reflects a large amount of the sun’s solar energy.

If you can combine heat reflection with the high amount of solar glare that good intelligent glass reflects, then you can massively reduce the amount of the sun’s solar energy that reaches the room, preventing overheating.

What is an Atlas Roof Lantern?

An Atlas roof lantern is a specific kind of roof lantern (an externally-fitted skylight in the ceiling of a room) that uses thin aluminium frames.

An Atlas lantern is designed to allow more sunlight in while still limiting solar glare, often boasting great thermal performance.

Different Atlas roof lantern designs are available, often using specific kinds of roof glass.

For example, one may use glass that resists the sun’s solar energy to prevent the room from getting unbearably hot or a thermal break in the mounted rafters (prevents cold from entering the room).

In general, an Atlas lantern is meant to create a beautifully ambient environment with good thermal performance.

As an extra piece of the roof proportionately correct to the rest, it is one of the premier roof systems offered by specialists like us.

Atlas Roof Installation Guide

An Atlas roof lantern is a complex installation that requires specialised frames and rafters.

To ensure that the work is done safely and correctly, make sure to turn to specialises like us for this kind of difficult Atlas lantern installation work.

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Colours Available

A roof lantern can come in many styles, with colours being one of the most obvious ways to add some flare. We offer a range of colour options, including (but not limited to):

Roof Lanterns Extensions

While it’s important to keep the roof proportionately correct and structurally stable, roof lantern additions are an extension to an existing room.

This means that a newly added lantern roof can boost thermal performance while also keeping the area from getting unbearably hot, saving on utility bills and adding extra comfort.

Technical Specification

All of our roof lantern options and other in-stock items meet the required British and European standards.

This includes the BS EN 12150 and BS EN 1279 (parts 2 and 3) technical accreditation standards.

While heating-related factors like U-value and W/m2K are difficult to measure, we try to keep all insulation elements within the best U-value and W/m2K ranges possible.

Atlas Roof Lantern Dimensions

The nature of Atlas roof lanterns means that there are multiple designs, all suitable for different scales and roof types.

If you need a bespoke or carefully chosen lantern roof extension that suits a specific set of dimensions, contact us to learn more about what we can do.


Why Choose an Atlas Roof Lantern for Your Home?

Atlas lanterns are a great roof extension for their aesthetic value, but they’re also very good for regulating heat in both summer and winter.

They can capture the summer sunlight while also using the winter sun to keep the room warm.

Beyond that, most Atlas roof lanterns are built with a solid ridge and rafter system that makes them very stable, and they can be insulated and given specialised glass to boost things like the W/m2K value of its temperature control uses.

Atlas or Korniche Roof Lantern?

Atlas roof lanterns are built for quality and style, using a great external extension shape along with reliable ridge pieces and rafters to create something attractive and sturdy.

However, when comparing Atlas and Korniche lantern options, it really depends on your own personal preference and aesthetic choices.

What are the Main Features of the Atlas Roof Lantern?

The main features of Atlas roof glass lanterns are their light, sturdy, and elegant structures.

One of the main visual differences with Atlas lanterns compared to other options is the reduced ridge and rafter option, with the smaller ridge and support system leading to much greater sight lines.

Not only does this improved ridge and rafter design let more light through during summer and other bright periods, but it also makes the lanterns more flexible as windows that can be customised with different glass types.

What is the U Value of an Atlas Roof Lantern?

The average U-value of one of Atlas lanterns is around 1.2 W/m2K.

They have a solar heat reflection level of just under 60%.


We can provide a huge range of different roof lantern options for our clients, each of which can be customised and installed as needed in almost any space.

If you want to know more about the roof extension options we can provide or just need a price quote for whichever lantern option you are interested in, then don’t hesitate to contact our team to learn more.

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