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Specialist Lantern Roofs

Conservatory Lantern Roof

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If you want to get as much natural light into your living space as possible, all while keeping your room comfortably warm, a conservatory with lantern roof features may be the ideal choice for you.

Lantern roofs can even be built on top of your existing conservatory flat roof to bring in more natural light without having to completely replace the roof.

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Here at Lantern Roofs, we specialise in installing thermally efficient lantern conservatory roofs in a contemporary style, suitable for new builds or period properties.

So if you are considering adding a little space with a conservatory lantern roof as part of your next round of home improvements, get in touch with us for a free quote today!

Lantern Roof Conservatory Cost

The average price of a lantern roof for a conservatory is in the range of around £2,000 – £6,000.

This cost is determined by a number of factors: there is no standard size and design for a lantern roof.

All of our lantern roof designs feature a complete water-tight design with aluminium frames and double glazing, but a larger conservatory extension will require a larger and more expensive lantern roof.

Similarly, we offer a number of solar control glazing options for lantern roof conservatories.

Other additional options include a decorative cornice, stormshield protection, and additional solar control glazing to protect your living space from excess heat.

For a quote for the costs of your chosen design for lantern roof conservatories, whether that is just a simple basic design or a fully featured model with solar control glazing and a decorative cornice mould, just get in touch with us through our website.

Benefits of Conservatory Lanterns

There are many major benefits to lantern roof conservatories that help them stand out above standard flat roof membrane designs. These include:

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Types of Roof Lanterns

There are several different types of lantern roof conservatories available for your home. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular design options.


A rectangular lantern conservatory roof is typically placed in the centre of the room, drawing emphasis to a specific area of the space.


If space is limited, you may have to be careful with your lantern conservatory roof selection. As a result, you may wind up with a square lantern roof.


An octagonal lantern roof is a great choice for larger spaces. They require more glass panes but allow light into your living space from a wider range of angles.

An octagonal roof conservatory is ideal for a big living space in need of additional light in an energy-efficient manner.


A cupola lantern roof conservatory is not the best option for maximising light, but it offers a classy and refined design and excellent thermal performance.

This style minimises heat loss and offers a premium style for that all-important finishing touch.

Double and Triple Lanterns

It is possible to create stacks of two or more lanterns reaching up into the sky for a high-performance design with a bit of extra space and style for larger conservatories.

This uses a lot of glass and does not work so well at the ridge end of a building, but it gives a great look and can be combined with the best of our unique stormshield protection to keep your glass roof safe.


Maximising heat retention to lower your heating bills in winter is great, but it is often worth adding ventilation that can be opened in the summer.

A lantern roof conservatory can get hot in the sun, and it is worth doing what you can to create a comfortable living space in your extension in any weather.


Finials are simply a decorative detail put on the top of your glass roof. They come in a number of designs but are not an essential part of a conservatory roof structure like an internal pelmet!

What is an Orangery Roof Lantern?

An orangery lantern roof, or lantern roof conservatory, is a beautiful alternative to flat glass for conservatories that gives depth to your house with an eye-catching feature.

A lantern conservatory roof guarantees that light enters the room in the way you want it to, whether you have a full glass conservatory or a bricked home extension.

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Can You Put a Lantern Roof on a Conservatory?

You can put a lantern roof on a conservatory.

Lantern roofs are a great and energy-efficient option for most styles of conservatory.

Will Roof Lanterns Help to Insulate The Conservatory?

Lantern roofs do help to insulate conservatories.

A lantern roof is a great way to maximise temperature retention in your conservatory, increasing the space that holds hot air.

They are not insulation themselves, but they have similar benefits.

Will a Roof Lantern Help to Reduce Mould in the Conservatory?

Lantern roofs help reduce mould in conservatories.

They open up more of your conservatory to the sky, bringing in more sunlight, which helps to reduce mould levels.

Do You Need Planning Permission for a Roof Lantern?

In most cases, extension lantern roofs for conservatories do not require planning permission.

Check your local requirements before you commit to anything, however!

What is the Cheapest Way to Cover a Conservatory Roof?

A simple flat glass is the cheapest option to cover a conservatory roof.

The reduced heating bills that come with a lantern roof can actually make them cheaper in the long run.

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If you are interested in lantern roof conservatories, reach out to us today for a free quote!

We’ll help you get started with choosing a design and then support you through every step of the installation process for your new lantern conservatory.

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